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Brexit Sonnet No. 144 – ‘This Brexit wreckage - burnt and charred.’


I’ve had two years; but two days now remain.
I’ve agreed one deal; but now it all seems lost.
Those levers of power I’ve pulled and pushed in vain,
Those strings I’ve stretched or pulled, whate'er the cost,
None but none, have borne that Brexit fruit.
Now all control is gone; I’ve lost this trick,
My arguments now, just purely legal moot,
My can now thrown away, no more to kick.
So two days left, and now we sit and jaw,
Of cabbages and kings and why the sea is hot.
Mayhap too late to cease this Brexit war?
An earlier start was needed, I did it not...
So with regret, and stubborn disregard,
I bequeath this Brexit wreckage, burnt and charred.      
© Keith Murphy


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