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Brexit Sonnet No. 126 - 'Plan A - A Dead Parrot’

Plan A is dead - e’s ex - this much we know. 
And A, now longer nailéd to the tree
Is pushing up those daisies from deep below.
E’s kicked the bucket – from life an absentee,
No more, bereft of life, ceased to be.
A’s expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 
But claimeth some – “A’s resting in e’s tree,
Just stunned and pining, this feathered mickey taker.”
What beautiful plumage some declare ‘A’ wears,
And bang its cage to make it chirp or talk.
But ‘A’ has joined the bleedin' choir upstairs,
And not just shagged out after one prolongéd squawk.
So Miss, I wish to register my complaint,
“A rests in peace but live ‘e truly ain’t.” 

© Keith Murphy


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