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Please Don’t Laugh


Please don't laugh, this is no joke,
This mop haired Eton Boris bloke,
This choice of desperate Brexit folk,
This is no sugar, our pill to coat.


Please don't laugh, this ain't funny,
The erosion of our hard earned money,
The uplands won't be remotely sunny,
The bee will sting but not give honey.


Please don't laugh, the joke's on us,
We need a PM in whom we trust,
We need a union of love, not lust,
We need to trade, not go bust.


Please don't laugh, our play's not done
The play's been cast, but not yet run,
The fat lady as yet, she hasn't sung,
The arguing continues, nobody's won.


Please don't laugh, it could be you,
Who has to pay the divorce bill due,
Who has to join the jobless queue,
Who doesn't prosper with the few.


Please don't laugh, time runs short,
This Nation now needs your kind support,
This lunatic plan should be caught,
This no deal Brexit should not be bought.


Please don't laugh, it's serious time,
The lies on sale we must decline,
The suicide note we should not sign,
The cancer of Brexit is not benign.


Please don't laugh, we're near the end,
Our path to hell we'll not descend,
Our future together we'll defend,
Our broken Island we must mend.


© Keith Murphy


© 2018 by K.R. Murphy Proudly created with

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