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Brexit Sonnet No. 101 – ‘This Brexit Tripe’
Let’s take some time to work out where we are.
 No-deal follows on from no good plan,
 Shipborne convoys chartered from afar,
 WTO now sucked down swirling pan,
 Leaving cheats ‘political’ – hence ignore,
 Food delays – our all day Brexit fare,
 Dyson’s current plans to make us poor,
 Protest march to London’s central square,
 A motorway erased from Sat Nav’s streets,
 Our 5 percentage border waits in dread,
 Factories close and plan their swift retreats,
 Plans to Brussels arrive not live, but dead.
No… let’s not take this time! – We have no need,
No more on this Brexit tripe shall we feed.
©Keith Murphy

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