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Brexit Sonnet No. 109 – ‘Trust the lady shod in leopard heels?’
Hands up those who’ve read it from front to back?
Hands up those who’ve grasped its every word?
Six hundred pages – length it doesn’t lack,
So is this cocktail shaken – well I’m not stirred.
I’m halfway through; I’ll take more precious time,
To skim to the bitter end, it scarce appeals.
Should this agreement our troubled Nation sign,
And trust the lady shod in leopard heels?
I read of transition with no fixéd end,
XX ? – What’s that I see in one three two?
Insert a ninety nine; support I’ll lend!
But in truth – this flaky deal I will eschew.
No Deal, No Brexit or Exit Lease of woe,
Give me the choice – I know where I will go.
©Keith Murphy

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