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Brexit Sonnet No. 111 – ‘So My Pilgrim’

Despotic rule now rises in our midst
And smothers out the unspoilt light.
The threat of oblivion, now a dagger’s twist, 
Now a threat - that she doth gladly cite.
So My Pilgrim, would you valiant be? 
Now beset around by dismal stories, 
It's time for valour true, for us to see,
And for you to know - your strength the more is. 
Hobgoblin and foul fiend will daunt your spirit, 
Foul wind and weather and lions and giants you'll fight,
But let us not a future bleak inherit, 
So constant be; take not to heels in fright. 
Do not cave, nor crash your precious vote. 
My Pilgrim, travel wisely; doubt do not emote.

©Keith Murphy


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