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Brexit Sonnet No. 116 – ‘For nothing now can come to any good’
It’s good to know that cabinet plans are made,
It’s good to know that all is put in place.
For ‘No Deal’ day our freedom do we trade,
For ‘No Deal’ day doth stare us in the face.
For around May’s table are skilful honest hands,
Who’ve steered the ship from referendum’s pier.
Such dexterous skill will make those no deal plans,
Run smooth as clockwork, smooth as Irish beer.
No deal was spied on Brexit voting slip,
To Leave or Remain, your only Brexit clue.
A ‘No Deal’ – what a democratic trip!
Managed for the many by the few.
So prepare your troops, spend what you think you should,
For nothing now can come to any good.
©Keith Murphy

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