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Brexit Sonnet No. 119 – ‘Bring on the Clowns’
So now our clowns are feeling quite annoyed!
Their endless toil to perfect their noble craft,
Their faultless teamwork successfully deployed,
An honourable trade – this art of looking daft.
Not like our parliamentary circus ring,
Full of broken whips and high wire fakes,
Not practised, nor rehearsed, this curséd thing,
A fool of all, this useless Brexit makes.
So misuse it not - this noble word of ‘clown’,
Nor use ‘circus’ as apologetic excuse,
For one profession mustn’t be taken down,
By another less skilled, less valued, less use.
Roll up, roll up this tattered Brexit trick,
Bin it Grimaldi, with final slap and stick.
©Keith Murphy

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