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Brexit Sonnet No. 121 – ‘Brexit Farm’
Remember ‘Four legs good, two legs bad’?
It’s in a thinish book by Eric Blair.
Look it up, it’s oh so very sad,
Such lofty dreams turn to bleak despair.
‘Four legs good, two legs better’ ends
Our parable of powerplay and its final rout.
‘My deal’s better than no deal’ ; Our PM extends
Her call to those who’ll listen, those who’ll shout.
Her Tory heartlands now reject her deal,
They’ve taken up the old old call they’ve heard -
‘No deal beats a bad deal’ they now do feel.
These meaningless shouts - absolutely absurd.
Drop your Shouting Brexit, your thoughtless chant,
And some sense into Brexit Farm, please plant.
©Keith Murphy

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