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Brexit Sonnet No. 128 - 'Brexit’s Rotten Shadow’

The sun's just there in darkening evening skies,
Edging those leaden clouds with vibrant hue.
These skies tell much of where our future lies,
No silent night - just worries to accrue.
Rush homeward, comfort to embrace and share,
Whilst fading orb of sunlight breaths its last.
A crackling fire, a drink, your favourite chair,
Whilst Life - from you and yours, no more doth ask.  
So, shut all down, and prepare for Brexit night,
Pray your bedtime prayers, lock all your locks.
Your fondest goodnight wishes please now recite,
And defy that ticking tock of useless clocks.  
For in the morn our sun will rise at last,
Brexit’s shadow? - no longer his to cast.

© Keith Murphy


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