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Brexit Sonnet No. 129 - 'This Martial Blitz’

I wake this morning to a headline I scarce believe,
Martial law preparedness is now the thing.
“Just a precaution, order to retrieve,
Don’t fret or sweat, nor alarmist bell do ring.”
This ‘no deal/no win’ cluster bomb’s been thrown,
So open up to receive this random load.
By whom, for whom, ‘tis not so widely known,
This hand hidden, and not so widely showed.
So where’s my shelter to avoid this martial blitz,
Where’s my foxhole; some Facebook underground?
Where’s my country this Brexit cruelly splits,
And where’s the logic in all this to be found?
Martial siren calls do tempt the weak,
But silence not brave souls their truth to speak.

© Keith Murphy


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