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Brexit Sonnet No. 133 – ‘My Language Store Remains’


Can this be? My wordy store looks bare,
I've been a little profligate of late, 
And used a lot on Facebook to be fair.
But prepare I must for Brexit’s blindest date. 
I'll get more in, stockpile if you will, 
Some verbs and nouns and juicy homonyms, 
Come metaphors, stack upon my window sill. 
Adjectives! Come inhabit my storage bins. 
For I will need more as Brexit drama plays, 
I can't run low for imports will be sparse, 
And ‘foreign’ words may have numbered days 
As Brexit drama turns to Whitehall farce.
Whate'er the course we’re forced to choose or take, 
My language store Remains, and will not break!

© Keith Murphy


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