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Brexit Sonnet No. 137 – ‘For The Want of a Pallet’

For the want of a pallet, my shipment will be stopped and returned.
For the want of my shipment, my account will be suspended and lost,
For the want of an account, my business will crash and be burned,
For the want of my business, employees will be counting the cost.
So WTO and No Deal away if you will,
This unpalatable truth; we can’t just misplace or mislay.
How can you coat this particular Brexity pill?
Lift up the carpet and sweep it quietly away? 
Take not these teetering steps on this Brexit cliff top,
Don’t slide off the end as you take in the view from the peak.
For a fall - if you meant it or not, is a fall you can’t stop,
And who can predict what more havoc Brexit will wreak?
Load your pallets with paint and spell out a colourful sign;
‘Keep away from this edge, and also from Brexit resign!’

© Keith Murphy


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