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Brexit Sonnet No. 138 – ‘Grayling’s Prayer’
“O Lord, let me make mistakes or slips,
For that’s my nurture, nature and my way.
O Lord, ensure that my chartered Seaborne ships
Don’t get me sacked, my cabinet post to pay.
O Lord, I pray that no one’s counting gaffes,
For I have strayed across this line of late.
O Lord, correct my railway franchise maths,
And on Probation - shut that problem gate.
O Lord, I curse my given fishy name,
For this rhyme with failing, now the price I pay.
O Lord, must I carry all this blame,
For three and thirty million poured away?”
- My son, your pleas I hear and do respond,
For human shield, I wave my magic wand.
© Keith Murphy

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