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Brexit Sonnet No. 139 – ‘1 Corinthians 12:14-26’


‘The body is not made of one part; but made of many.
If the body were an eye – how would it hear?’
Why choose this reading? She could have chosen any.
Why read this text? Its meaning not quite clear.
‘If the body were an ear, how would it smell?’
Well just terrible – (we must honest speak!)
Why choose this reading? It didn’t go so well.
Why read this text? Its references oblique.    
 ‘If one part suffers, all parts suffer same,
Parts can’t say to others; “I don’t need you”.
If one part’s honoured, every part doth gain,
There should be no division running through.’
Now meaning’s clear from reading read on high,
We’re best together - this Brexit now don’t try.

© Keith Murphy


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