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Brexit Sonnet No.15 – ‘Can I have some more?’
‘Please sir’ piped up the disadvantaged kid,
‘Can I have some more’ his heartfelt plea.
Now ‘Dodger’ Boris has upped his Brexit bid,
He wants some more sir, haversham cake and tea.
Our mutual friend now biddeth up the sum,
And expectations raised as stats are twisted
Yet again; God Bless us every one!
Stick To Facts Sir! Lies must be resisted.
This surely is the worst of times I think,
To steerforth that blood red lying bus again.
Ye beam me no affection with one eyed blink,
Whilst calculated other shines with rude distain.
So park up your bus, let it lie unseen, unheard,
And let ghostly Brexit rest in peace, deferred.
©Keith Murphy

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