Brexit Sonnet No. 42 – ‘Away Day in Chequers’
An away day in Chequers, a jolly, a Cabinet ride,
Meetings and flip charts galore and blu-tack with tea.
Not a plan do we have, no map, no compass, no guide,
No ideas to extol, no principles here that I see.
Maybe we’ll sit and break ice as you do for a laugh,
One fact unknown about me I’ll share if you like.
But hold, we cannot, it’s quite simply rash and most daft,
To give you, my ‘colleagues’, my ‘friends’, this ammo to snipe.
But a small price to pay, these meetings so dreadfully fraught,
For as evening sets in, our banquet arrives in the hall.
No chicken gone missing, just indulge me ‘till I am bought.
I’ll wine and I’ll dine and at first light, to bed I will crawl.
My words I will watch with great care; Brexit truth I must keep,
And let falseness with untruths prevail as my conscience doth sleep.
©Keith Murphy

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