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Brexit Sonnet No. 43 – ‘I am the one makes your fight worthwhile’

Do not abuse or despise my favoured cause;
For I am that one that makes your fight worthwhile.
I will not give up, I will not fold nor pause,
Nor cheer as we proceed down Devil’s aisle.
Without me, a hollow toll your victory rings;
For I am the one that makes your fight worthwhile.
I will not resign, believe in naive things,
Nor cheer as nation chokes on bitter bile.
No bags pack I, no plane nor ship to board;
For I am the one that makes your fight worthwhile.
I will not go quietly into that night O Lord,
Nor let go of that, that Brexit doth defile.
So oppose I will, with all my might and main,
Sense and wits may leave but I… Remain.

©Keith Murphy


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