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Brexit Sonnet No. 47 – ‘Hear Hear John’
‘The wellbeing of the people’ I hear him say,
‘That is what parliamentary sovereignty means’,
He also said, this last year’s man of grey,
This Brixton Boy, dreamer of free vote dreams.
Applaud I must, a decent view no less,
On Brexit’s chaotic canvas a decisive stroke?
No paint by numbers will see us through this mess,
A brush with powerful past for Brexit folk.
As high street creaks with Brexit driven strain,
And factory sites look close at rising sun,
A glint of hope, from man with ‘nought to gain,
‘Let Parliament decide’; with this I’ll run.
Just listen hard for Grantham’s daughter gone,
And you may her utter; ‘Hear Hear John’.
©Keith Murphy

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