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Brexit Sonnet No. 59 – ‘Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
I’ve trooped around as schoolboy, youth and Dad,
On wet weekends, I’ve been to quite a few.
Some Victorian, both the good and bad,
Some, a ghastly history gristle chew.
So bring it on this latest hall of fun,
This collection of antiques, now past all use.
These stuffed exhibits dead, their life now run,
These artefacts now lost and in recluse.
From the Brexit bus to dodgy Facebook ads
It’s said, will occupy this antique land.
This monument to foolishness and fads,
Falsehood’s fire so richly stoked and fanned.
So build me this museum beyond compare,
‘Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
©Keith Murphy

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