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Brexit Sonnet No. 63 – ‘So Rush This Wind’
We’re good at moving people round the world,
To suit our own design; to nurse our sick,
To cut our cane, to fight for flag unfurled,
To drive our bus and lay our building brick.
So for years and years they work so hard,
We thank them, (tax them) – Oh so very much.
Now off you go, we’ll play the migrant card,
And kick you out so families just lose touch.
What future wrongs along these lines of red,
Will Brexit bring with closéd hearts and minds?
A Nation’s shame, our lifeblood truly bled,
Of love and talents from those of diverse kinds.
So rush this wind of thoughtless ills and woes,
Ship it out, with Empire’s deathly throes.
©Keith Murphy

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