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Brexit Sonnet No. 68 – ‘This Silence’

Home Office now in turmoil goes the phrase,
A new broom sweeping clean or same old same old?
With targets drawn and bowstrings taut and raised,
For May’s outrageous fortune, lies were told.
Now body blow has removed this human shield.
But those that hid behind the lies and guff,
Kept silent as the words were first revealed;
Hoping one minister sacrificed would be enough?
This silence tells you all you need to know.
…‘Let’s talk instead of shoes and ships and things,
And how our cabbage plants and weeds do grow,
And sealing wax on names for future kings.
In fact, any damn subject now is best,
Till ‘Brexit Windrush’, is laid to blesséd rest.’…

©Keith Murphy


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