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Brexit Sonnet No.7 – ‘Words Escape Me’
Have you seen them, can we track them down?
Words escape me, on the run, or lost.
We had them once, now they can’t be found,
This Brexit friction hides a fearsome cost.
Pluralism can’t be seen or traced,
I’ve looked real hard but not a sign from May.
Binarism has won that crucial, crazy race,
Whilst Tolerance, my once best friend has gone away.
What of Inspire, our fine Olympic friend?
He was there to share that great event,
But now, Falsehood’s beat him on the bend,
And where was Multiculturalism sent?
Camerooned we are, left to shout ‘In’ or ‘Out’,
Our Language, Culture, Country – now in doubt.
©Keith Murphy

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