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Brexit Sonnet No. 75 – ‘Two cans’

We had one can to kick down Brexit Lane,
One can, one cabinet, one unholy mess.
But now what’s that bouncing off the drain?
There’s two now, much more distracting I would guess?
Which half plays with what can, know I not,
Which half kicks it this way, know I neither.
How teams were picked,I cannot truly plot,
A balance of remainer with the leaver?
This game of clones should clot some Brexit fudge,
As stirrers mix it up in stainless kettle.
So onward, upward, downward does she trudge,
And graspeth not that Brexit poisoned nettle.
So kick both cans, embarrassed May you be.
Send them off, and of Brexit we’ll be free.

©Keith Murphy


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