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Brexit Sonnet No. 84 – ‘English Exceptionalism’

Exceptionalism, no derision please don’t laugh,
We not the same in Albion’s perfidious land.
We’re not the same, we read our Daily Telegraph.
We expect an exception, it’s in our Brexit plan.
English exceptionalism, we deserve more not less,
The rules for us should be made to buckle and bend.
What applies to others, with that we’re not impressed,
We’re not like them, so rules you may extend.
We retain our rights but obligations drop,
We’re exceptional, so don’t delay our Brexit deal.
Insistence on petty rules must now stop,
To our exceptional demands, you must now kneel.
Our glorious, imperious past please keep in sight.
English Exceptionalism! It’s ours by ancient right.

©Keith Murphy


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