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Brexit Sonnet No. 85 – ‘Sense and Reason – Now on Ration’
How English do you feel asks BBC,
Are you proud to call this Nation home?
Well through good and ill, I’ve roamed quite free,
Both waters flat and tempest’s roaring foam.
I’ve never paused; I’ve never had to think,
On question posed – of English sense of pride?
No need had I, my heart and mind in sync,
Unconscious, deep down, England was my guide.
My guide has stumbled late on lava flows.
Acrid smoke now chokes my once clear lungs.
My eyes now run, dust doth cake my clothes,
As Brexit speaks with Babel’s twisted tongues.
If need there be to ask of England’s passion,
We are lost! Sense and reason – now on ration.
©Keith Murphy

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