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Brexit Sonnet No. 87 – ‘Knuckles Not Yet White’

Hold your breath; we’re about to rock and roll.
The scene is set and roller-coaster primed.
This final act will show who hath control,
And those whom Brexit heights hath scaled and climbed.
Where goes this runaway train, know I not,
How high and wet the log flume, I cannot tell.
Now starts our ride, our queuing wait forgot.
Our straps are checked; we await that starting bell.
Our knuckles not yet white, we soon depart.
So sit back, hold tight and don’t forget to scream.
It’s at this point, just before the start,
I muse on competence, of ride creation team.
So hold on tight, await your safe return.
Let Brexit be a lesson, from which we all do learn.

©Keith Murphy


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