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Brexit Sonnet No. 90 – ‘She Teed You Up’
Feel let down? She teed you up of course,
This is par for Brexit’s dog leg game.
A promise made for a vote that you could force,
Has hit the rough and fore! you must exclaim.
I have no need to join your rebel round,
But curious I be, to see your homeward nine.
To see your round complete, your clubhouse found,
As close doth draw that Brexit tee off time.
So who now in Master’s jacket can be seen,
And who does grieve on council’s pitch and putt?
As crowds fall silent round the final green,
‘Told you so’, some are heard to tut.
From unplayable lie, hit it hard and low,
Trust not what you’re told, but what you damn well know.
©Keith Murphy

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