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Brexit Sonnet No. 95 – ‘Two Words’
I’ve words aplenty for my mouth to choose,
I’m spoilt for choice, there’s quite a few I know.
So words with letters four, I’d rather lose,
I can aim high, why sink so very low?
But latest from our mop haired cabinet clown;
Tells business where to go in Brexit’s play.
An exit, by verb instructed, no proper noun –
‘Please depart and take your jobs away’.
When he doth speak, his words do set the tone.
These two words, now out, will not return,
They’ll not go back, they’ll be forever known;
Two words that launched a business crash and burn.
So take your ‘bog roll’ you silly stupid fool,
And wipe up this awful mess your words now fuel.
©Keith Murphy

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