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Brexit Sonnet No. 99 – ‘No Point In Going Out’
This tennis game’s quite tiresome for all involved,
Especially for the crowd, now bored and hot.
This no love game; no set hath been resolved.
From Deuce to Advantage doth this Brexit trot.
What started off with new balls full of bounce,
Is marred by moving tramlines squeezing play.
Hawkeye’s died, decisions not announced,
Whilst from the baseline, no ideas now stray.
So boring game; get them off the court.
This weather may not last, please serve the best.
Value we want – these tickets we have bought!
We need a match, not this slugging fest.
Match point will come, have no remaining doubt.
Our ball stays in, no point in going out.
©Keith Murphy
The Kindle eBook, just
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