The Leaders Debate 31 May 2017
(With sincere apologies to William Wordsworth)
I wondered at the baying loud
Those floating votes on vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, and Cambridge packed to gills;
Beside the stage, beneath the lights,
Muttering and promises put to rights.
Continuous bright my star did shine,
I answered in my TV way,
I stretched myself with every line
Along the marginals in UK:
Ten thousand votes I hoped I won,
Beckoning to me as I moved my tongue.
The waves of questions raged; but they
Did not get under skin of me:
A leader I am and truly say
I enjoy this jocund company:
I crazed – and praised – but little thought
What wealth this show to me had brought:
For oft, when counts of votes add up
In north or south or in between,
From victor’s cup I like to sup
And yell my blissful soundbite scream;
And then my heart with pleasure swells,
And dances with those victory bells.
©Keith Murphy