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When was I born?


When was I born? 
Was it before seat belts, E numbers and gum?
Was it before words were typed out on screens or pop stars paraded in sick limousines?
Was it when policeman, teachers and dads cuffed offending ears when we'd been bad?
Was it before lawyers made money from each minor fear and before ice cold lager replaced our warm beer?
Was it before four wheel drives cruised our suburban streets or before England were defeated in qualifying heats?
Yes, that's when I was born.


When was I born? 
Was it before pollution, late trains and The Sun?
Was it before soaps came out of the bathroom and onto our screens or books were replaced by computing machines?
Was it before life had to be exciting for every minute of every day or a time before Europe decided your pay?
Was it when literate crossword fiends could be found in every carriage and men and women committed to each other in marriage?
Was it when strangers were friends that you had not met or before people lived on a TV set?
Yes, that's when I was born.


When was I born? 
Was it before elm disease, CJD and bought fun?
Was it when adding your money was done in 3 columns or Encyclopaedias came in at least 10 volumes?
Was it when a fountain pen took the place of bubble or laser and the time before the disposable razor?
Was it before the media moguls whipped up the news or people were given their various views?
Was it before attentions spans could outlast an ad or e-mail and texting had made grammar quite sad?
Yes, that's when I was born.
Keith Murphy©

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